You're about to be outed as the internet's best kept secret!
Do Your Dream Clients See You As The Go-To Solution?
Finally, Fix Your Lead Generation, Bring In More Clients And Ditch The Doubt To Build A Business You Love (And Loves You Back)!
You're about to be outed as the internet's best kept secret!
Do Your 
Dream Clients 
See You As The Go-To Solution?
Finally, Fix Your Lead Generation, Bring In More Clients And Ditch The Doubt To Build A Business You Love (And Loves You Back)!

You are a high value woman who has big ideas and wants to create more impact and freedom for yourself.

I see promo reels and ads all the time telling you how to get...

  • 500 new leads a day
  • A booked calendar
  • Consistent revenue

I also have clients who...

  • Joined the massive group coaching
  • Paid for the revenue promising programs
  • Got the formula to serve the masses

...from all the big names making big promises

But those big names didn't get you big results.


Because at your level of business, you need more than generic instructions.
You’re craving an approach that’s molded to your needs, your goals, and handles your unique obstacles.

Get the clarity and direction that makes it easier to share your story. Become the Go-To Solution in your industry, sharing your offer with joy and ease.

None of the visibility tactics (social media, email marketing, funnel building) work until you have an offer that draws your ideal clients towards you.

Here's how you know you’re still questioning your offer’s positioning rather than calling in dream prospects with your sought out solution...

  • You have to find clients instead of them finding you 
  • The clients you get are not ideal
  • Starting the next task feels hard, and un-fun
  • ​Your Discovery Calls get snagged on the same tripping points that kill the sale
  • ​You have tons of things to say, but they don’t fit together to move people closer to you

I could probably write 20 more, but the REALLY BIG way you know your not calling in ideal clients with an in demand offer is...

Business Is NOT Growing!!!!

Our Sought Out Solution™️ is where your promise, visibility and mindset get in synch.

Growing your business is about to get a whole lot easier, and fun!

Everything in your messaging should lead to one conclusion: 

You are the authority in solving their problem.  

Start here to get the strategy, messaging and accountability to be their Go-To Gal. 

Tailored for the woman who wants to be known for her ideas and not be lost in obscurity anymore.

Listen To Maribeth Decker's Experience

Here at Sought Out Solution® we know
the impact of your business matters.

Your service not only transforms your clients' lives 
but shapes the impact you can have on the world. 

Your success allows you to become a catalyst what what you want at every level.

And if you're working to grow your authority so you can grow your business,
then you have an opportunity to harness your power through your messaging.

But too often your messaging feels hodge-podge.  
You piece together different strategies from various programs without really getting to the
core of your belief system or what resonates with your audience.

  You want support applying the right strategy for you and your business!

When your messaging is off...even the best social media, email marketing, or visibility strategies DON'T WORK.

Luckily the Sought Out Solution® is about to make life easier (and more fun along the way). Together, we'll identify your gaps, get you solutions, and then I will support you as
 you bring in the clients.

If you want your messaging to work, and your business to grow, you need to use the Sought Out Solution® Method

I bet you're amazing at what you do. And I wish that delivering good service was all it look to build a successful business.  But sometimes it can seem like things are lost in translation.  

Perhaps your service comes so natural to you that you do not explain it well; or you don't know how to grow your audience, or to shift followers to clients.

Luckily, I found that a deep dive into how you serve can tell you all you need to know about tweaking your messaging so it feels natural, authentic, and creates sales with integrity.

Our Sought Out Solution® Method includes 3 ways to ensure your messaging speaks directly to the heart of the person who needs you and is ready to work with you. 

Bridge Of Transformation

Show that you know your dream client, know why she's stuck, and where she wants to go.

Craft Go-To-Gal Messaging

Identify the “music to my ears” words for the right prospects.

Define Your 'Hell Yes' Pipeline

Strategically smooth out the process to attract, connect and convert clients consistently.

That way your audience will grow organically, evergreen systems will nurture them naturally, and sales will happen while you spend time with your family (or nap).

Standing out requires more than just visibility – it demands a precise understanding of your client's challenges and a tailored solution that delivers results.
• Your services aren't just a list of features; they are a carefully designed response to the pain points your clients face.
• Illustrate the transformation your services bring.
• Paint a vivid picture of what the end result looks like so it creates a compelling future.
The problem is that everyone is still pushing content quantity and misses the opportunity to understand the nuances of your clients.
By aligning your services with their needs, you not only solve their problem but also position yourself as the go-to solution in your niche.
Illuminate your unique strengths and qualities to create an authentic connection with your audience, setting the stage for lasting relationships.
• Uncover and embrace your distinctive qualities that resonate with your ideal clients.
• Develop a compelling brand story that captivates and fosters a genuine connection.
• Cultivate a magnetic presence that leaves a lasting impression, making you the sought-after solution in your industry.
The challenge lies in cookie-cutter advice that overlooks the individuality of your brand. Our approach celebrates your authenticity, guiding you to shine brilliantly and attract your tribe effortlessly.
Develop a seamless journey to effectively attract, engage, and convert prospects for your products or services.
• Create a free to paid journey that increases sales.
• Create mouth watering value that’s reflected in the pricing
• Overcome objections before prospects raise the concern.
The problem is that everyone is either telling you to be online ALL THE TIME or to be super aggressive. And NEITHER feel aligned.
We utilize assertive sales strategies, simple funnels, and community to create trust and get you more sales.


Growth is in the tweaks!
This system not only helps you get your messaging dialed in, I'll be right beside you every step of the way.

And once your messaging is dialed in...we guide you through three growth pillars that help you leverage a simple growth strategy that will make talking to the right people and making more sales feel easy.

Consistently Bring In New Clients

Use the Step-By-Step Playbook to what to do each day to bring in new clients while you are working on the systems and automation to make the business work harder for you.

Creates authority with the right audience, showing them you know exactly how to get them the results they desire.

We've all been taught to describe our ideal clients with descriptors like age and what shows they like, but at any given time only a portion of the people you identified are ready to buy from you.  Dig deeper to find who is ready to hire you.

Help your prospects to prioritize solving their problem NOW! (aka gets them to buy)

Create a smooth and clear pipeline that has people finding you to needing to work with you.

If you find yourself saying...

"I wish it was easier to describe exactly what I offer"

"I can't quickly describe my ideal client"

"I have no idea what content to create that will actually get me clients"

"I feel like my offer is messy and is confusing my audience"

"Getting more people on my list or in my programs feels hard"

"I've tried what the big names suggest and it doesn't work for me"

"I want a program that will actually care about me"

"I don't just want DIY training, I want personal support"

"I know I overthink things. I need decision support to keep me moving forward"

Then this is where you need to be. 

Is the Sought-Out Solution™️right for you?


If you've created your service because you are passionate about the work you do and cares about making an impact with her audience and clients.


If you are a woman entrepreneur who has felt like a square peg trying to fit into round holes her whole life and doesn’t want coaching for the masses.


If you have valuable opinions about how the world, and especially your industry, should work. (and even if you often wish you didn't have to worry about sales and marketing to grow)


If you've gotten great results in an area of your life and now you want to teach others while creating more freedom and choice in your life.

Here are what a few of my clients do...

  • Energy Coach
  • Animal Communicator
  • Manifesting Coach
  • Finance Coach
  • Automations Consultant
  • Spiritual Coach
  • Copywriter
  • Social Media Content Coach
  • and so many more...

What if I already have coached clients, have created some messaging (website, blog, videos), maybe even have a course already... they just aren't selling the way I want?

If you already have everything created, you can fix things faster. 
Usually, it's not your products that are the problem; it's the way you are putting out your offer. 
I'll show exactly what to tweak so you can sell more.

What if I haven't found my thing or tried a bunch of ideas but nothing has turned into steady paying clients yet? 

That's ok. The Sought Out Solution™️ system is what you need to map, build, sell, and grow your offers, messaging, systems and more. And our one-on-one coaching and on-the-spot decision support will ensure you build the right things in the right way, for the right people. 

You might NOT be a good fit if…

  • You don't want to tweak your content. We believe in iterative progress to achieve growth and you will end up refining your messaging and content along the way. You can still make money while you do the work, but if you want to create it and leave it and never tweak things in your business then this isn't a good fit. 
  • You aren't passionate about what you are doing. Our marketing strategy includes helping you map out key industry and life opinions that attract your ideal client. If you aren't passionate about why you are doing what you do then some of our strategy won't be fun for you.
  • You are looking for a quick fix to make money fast. It's not that you can't get clients quickly from the Sought Out Solution, it's that we want clients who are looking to build a sustainable business and are willing to put in the effort to get their visibility and offers right.

Why trust me when there are tons of other business coaches out there? 

There ARE tons of business coaches and programs out there.

And it's not very realistic to ask you to trust me just from reading this page. 

So here are a few things that might help you see that...

I not only have a unique strategy that you won't see anywhere else, I also actually care about you.

You won't join the Sought Out Solution and never see me again.... that's not how I work.

I will get to know you and your business in a deep way... so get ready.

I could tell you all day long how strategic and authentic I am, how I have this knack for getting to the root of the matter, for propelling you into action. I’m genuinely invested in your success and determined for you to reach your goals in this program.

And the testimonials can help give proof. (click here to check them out)

BUT the best way to see that I am the real deal and the Sought Out Solution is the right fit for you is to TALK TO ME! 

And it's important to know that my brain 🧠 works differently than most...


Sought Out Solution™️ was built on these beliefs....
  • "I do this for the service, not the money" shortchanges everyone. You created your business to do so much more than to stay afloat. True business is constructed for impact and to fund the freedom of choice in our lives.
  • All humans have beliefs that hold them back. Overcoming one’s limiting beliefs is the path to living boldly and the only way to showcase yourself, your brand, and your message authentically and without hesitation.
  • ​Unpacking how you uniquely serve within your industry is how a personal brand reveals it is the ideal remedy for the people you love to serve.
Sought Out Solution isn't just built around WHAT you need to know, it's also built around HOW people work.

So when I say the Sought Out Solution™️was built differently, you can start to understand what I mean, and how important it is to me to create something truly unique. 

“You’ve been J.K.C.’d!”

There have been so many times in my masterminds and group coaching that I took someone’s fragmented ideas and read between the lines to offer them fresh perspective, that group members have coined it, “You’ve been JKC’d!”. Whether its lovingly raising people’s rates, calling someone back from shiny objects, or clearing the path to see bigger options; I know there is untapped money in your business, and I will help you find it.

So What's The Investement?

You have two options to fit your needs.

  • A transformative 90-day coaching program designed to amplify the impact of the Magnetic Blueprint. Seamlessly blending strategic action planning with personalized coaching, this signature offer propels your business forward, ensuring sustained progress over three months.
  • The quick & thorough service where we troubleshoot why prospects are not lining up at your door, and tailor a plan of messaging, pipelines and mindset. You'll have everything you need to confidently take action to bring in new clients.

What do I get when I join the Sought Out Solution™️Accelerator?

You get one-on-one coaching with a deep dive into where you are and maps the ideal course to where you want to be, with the support and accountability every step of the way.
 One-on-One coaching sessions: Get the personal and specific feedback you want on next moves with TEN 60-minute sessions so you can keep moving forward.
 On-The-Spot Decision Support as often as you need, often within 15 minutes and always within one business day so you never stay stuck for long. 
Library on Distill Your Services To Its Core; Attract Enthusiastic Clients; Get The Right Things Done; Future You Vision and more
Magnetic Blueprint: Using all we learn from the Inventory and seeing the gap that’s required to get filled with the Vision, we’ll meet for the Blueprint Session to build out a clear actionable path for the next 90 days to get you the breakthrough that you have been wanting. 
Blueprint Template that you can use again and again for powerful 90 day planning.
Recordings, transcripts, and documented Blueprint.
Vision: I’ll also give you the tools to craft a vision of where you want to take the business, and what you want the business to do to support your life.
 Inventory: We start with taking stock of your business as it runs currently (i.e., your pricing, online presence, products, clients, audience, offers, and expenses) to get a solid understanding of what’s working and what’s not.
Want more proof? Check out the testimonials from past and current members. (click here to check them out)

Answers before you ask

How long is the Sought Out Solution™️Accelerator?

The Accelerator runs 90 days from the day of the Blueprint Session. I want you to maximize the time you have with your action plan to get the support you need.

Is there a guarantee?

If you come in and you know within the first month that it’s not for you, hop on a 15 minute call with Jen so we can understand why it's not a good fit. We will always treat you like a human and we WANT you to be in a program where you believe you can get results.

I want to join, but I’m not quite ready… what should I do?

We totally understand. Timing is important. Shoot us an email and let us know what you’re thinking as we can talk about next steps from there: jen@jenklineclark.com

Maybe you're thinking…
 I've tried working with a coach before and I'm still not profitable...

Most programs give you content and leave you to it. You may have signed up for a course but need guidance to make it work for you and your business. That's a good thing! I know that sounds crazy at first, but now you know what to look for! 

The Sought Out Solution Accelerator helps you create the blueprint for your business, and then supports you to help you get to your outcomes.

Can't I just narrow my focus and block my calendar?

Simple is not the same as easy. The Sought Out Solution Accelerator is about zeroing in on your #1 Priority and then staying right alongside you to help you stay on the path, and help you get back on when obstacles and setbacks hit. This is to help you call on your best self and give you the support and tools.

I don't care about the money. I just want to do good work...

Money is a tool. The more you make, the more clients can receive transformation... AND the more impact you can have with the profit! The Sought Out Solution Accelerator is about building a business that funds your whole life, for now and the future and to fund the areas that you want to see change in the world. 

I don't have the money...

The Sought Out Solution Accelerator is designed to make your investment back in the 90 days, plus some. What makes this exponentially powerful is that once you know how to design your blueprint, you can use it over and over again. 

I already have too much on my plate, I can't add another thing...

This is exactly what the The Sought Out Solution Accelerator was designed to help and shift! Use the program's design to set yourself up for success. Focus in on what's most important for this stage of your business and remove the shiny objects. Then keep executing on the critical steps by getting out of your own way with support and resources.

Your best 90 days is just ahead...                        
                      ....it starts with the magnetic blueprint!

Every effort has been made to accurately represent out products and their potential. Even though this industry is one of the few where one can write their own check in terms of earnings, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas is these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using the products, ideas, and techniques. We do not purport any of our products to be a “Get rich quick scheme”.

Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to our programs, ideas, and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge, and various skills. Since these factors differ according to the individual, we cannot guarantee your success or income level nor are we responsible for any of your actions.

Materials in our products and on our website may contain information that includes, or is biased upon, forward-looking statements within the meaning of the securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events, you can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate”, “expect”, “project”, “intend”, “plan”, “believe”, and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential earnings or financial performance.

Any and all forward-looking statements here, or on any of our sales materials, are intended to express our opinion of earning potential. Many factors are important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or the testimonials of our customers. In fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from the ideas and techniques in our material.

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